Blue Agate;Blue agate is a natural and precious stone and usually has pastel blue hues. It belongs to the quartz family and is medium on the hardness scale. It is used in both decorative and jewelry making. Blue agate is believed to have a balancing and calming energy. It is preferred for promoting spiritual balance and increasing inner peace. It is also known for supporting communication and expression.
Lapis Stone; It is a natural and precious stone and is blue. It is usually dark blue in color and may contain spots similar to golden colored pyrite. The basic component of this stone is the mineral lapis lazuli. It has been used in jewelry making and works of art throughout history and was considered very valuable, especially in ancient civilizations. It was also used in the production of dyes. According to metaphysical beliefs, lapis stone has properties that promote mental clarity, inner peace and communication. It is also believed to promote spiritual awakening.
Hematite Stone; It is a natural and precious stone that appears metallic gray-black in color. It has a hardness between 5.5-6.5 according to the Mohs hardness scale. It is an iron oxide mineral and is used in industry as iron ore. It is also preferred for grounding, balancing and protection in energy work. It also has effects that increase courage and motivation.